
Although Melissa was initially designed to be used on supercomputers, it can also be installed and executed on a local machine. Users are even recommended to start with a local installation in order to become familiar with the framework before using it at scale.

Due to the code structure of Melissa, the installation is organized in two parts. The API (C code wrapped in other languages) is compiled and installed with CMake while the launcher and server components as well as their dependencies are built with pip. Depending on the user's working environment and needs, a specific installation method may be more appropriate than another. This tutorial will guide users through the steps of each procedure and help them find the best suited.


Melissa is currently supported for linux systems only. Windows and MacOS are unsupported but LXD can be used to execute it inside a virtual cluster (see Running Melissa in a virtual cluster).

Before building Melissa

The following dependencies must be installed before building Melissa:

  • CMake 3.7.2 or newer
  • GNU Make
  • A C99 compiler
  • An MPI implementation
  • Python 3.8 or newer
  • ZeroMQ 4.1.5 or newer

On debian based systems with root access, these dependencies can be installed via:

sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential libopenmpi-dev python3 python3-dev python3-venv libzmq3-dev


On a supercomputer, these dependencies are likely to be available natively with the module system, otherwise they can be installed with a package manager like Spack for instance.

In addition, Melissa has three levels of Python dependencies that will be installed with pip at build:

  1. basic dependencies sufficient to run the sensitivity analysis server which are listed in requirements.txt.

  2. deep learning dependencies to run a deep-surrogate training which are listed in requirements_deep_learning.txt.

  3. extra-dependencies for development purposes which are listed in requirements_dev.txt.

Quick installation

Manual installation

The following guidelines outline how to manually install Melissa.

First the melissa folder can be created by cloning it from its INRIA GitLab repository:

git clone
cd melissa

The API can then be built with the following commands:

# from melissa/
mkdir build install && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ..
make install

As evidenced by the following table, users installing on a local machine may benefit from including the -DINSTALL_ZMQ=ON flag.

CMake option Default value Possible values Description
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ../install any location on the filesystem Melissa installation directory
-DINSTALL_ZMQ OFF ON, OFF Download, build, and install ZeroMQ

Next, in order not to pollute the user's environment, a virtual environment can be created as follows:

# from melissa/build
cd ..
python3 -m venv .venv                                                                      # create a pip venv
source .venv/bin/activate                                                                  # activate the venv
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip                                                       # upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt -r requirements_deep_learning.txt -r requirements_dev.txt # install all requirements in the venv
pip3 install -e .                                                                          # install Melissa py-modules and make them directly available to the venv

This will have for effect to install all dependencies including both torch and tensorflow. In addition, the Melissa sources will be installed in editable mode which is particularly convenient for developers. Users are nevertheless free to adapt the pip commands and requirement files to their needs. For deep surrogate training for instance, the presence of only one of the two frameworks is strictly required.


If users prefer to install Melissa in their native environment, the missing packages as well as Melissa will be installed in ~/.local/ by default.

After successful installation, users can open a new terminal and either source their virtual environment or the environment file before executing their first Melissa command:

# from melissa/
source .venv/bin/activate # activate venv if created earlier
source # add ~/.local/bin to the PYTHONPATH if no virtual environment was used
melissa-launcher -h       # print melissa-launcher help

Installation with Spack

  1. Install and set up Spack: Spack documentation: Getting Started

  2. Build Melissa in its latest stable version:

    spack install melissa-api            # install the API with its dependencies
    spack install py-melissa-core +torch # install the Melissa Python modules with the deep learning requirements and torch only
  3. Load Melissa:
     spack load melissa-api
     spack load py-melissa-core

At this point, the user should have a working Melissa installation.


The py-melissa-core package comes with 2 variants:

  1. +torch installs the main and deep learning requirements with torch alone,
  2. +tf installs the main and deep learning requirements with tensorflow alone.

By default, only the main requirements are installed.


By default Spack will try to install the latest version (i.e. develop) but specific target amongst those listed in the recipes (melissa-api and py-melissa-core) can be explicitly selected:

spack install melissa-api@target
spack install py-melissa-core@target
Currently only py-melissa-core has multiple versions.


Although very flexible, Spack can cause a lot of files to be created hence saturating inodes quota. To alleviate this constraint, users can force Spack to use cluster provided packages as explained below.

Spack and modules

If you have installed Melissa on a supercomputer which works with modules, you may want to have Melissa build depending on one of such module. Typically the MPI module optimized for your supercomputer, here is a basic example on how to proceed:

  • Load the module:

    $ module load openmpi/4.0.5
    Loading openmpi/4.0.5
    Loading requirement: intel-compilers/19.1.3
  • Tell Spack to search for installed (so-called "external") packages:

    $ spack external find
     ==> The following specs have been detected on this system and added to /home/user/.spack/packages.yaml
  • Afterwards the modules can be unloaded:

    module purge
  • The module may have been compiled with a specific compiler. Add the compiler to Spack:

     $ spack compiler find
     ==> Added 1 new compiler to /home/user/.spack/linux/compilers.yaml
     ==> Compilers are defined in the following files:
  • Spack can only recognize a small number of packages automatically and in many cases it is advisable or even necessary to edit the list of available packages manually. The list of packages can be found at ~/.spack/packages.yaml. If you perform these modifications, you must find out:

    • the path to the package or the relevant module(s) to load.
    • the Spack package name (e.g., the Spack package name of CMake is cmake)
    • the package version,
    • and the compiler that was used.

The compiler dependency is very important because in the author's experience different compiler modules may depend on different versions of essential libraries such as libc or binutils. Using a package that was built with one compiler while a different compiler module is loaded may lead to crashes in the best case and silent data corruption or a waste of supercomputer CPU hours in the worst case.

An example with Intel MPI:

    - spec: gmake@4.2.1
      prefix: /usr
    - spec: intel-mpi@2019.5.281%intel@
      modules: [intel-all/2019.5]
  • In some environments existing packages must be used; they should never be built by Spack. For example on supercomputers, MPI must often be linked against libraries of the computers' batch scheduler for otherwise, MPI applications cannot be launched. You can prohibit building packages from scratch. Example:

        buildable: false
  • Build Melissa with specific compiler and package dependencies:

     spack install melissa-api %intel@ ^openmpi@4.0.5

Checking the installation

A full confirmation of the installation can be performed by following one of the available example tutorials:

  • Sensitivity-Analysis with the Heat-PDE use-case here.
  • Deep Surrogate training with the Heat-PDE use-case here.
  • Deep Surrogate training with the Lorenz use-case here.

If Melissa was installed with Spack, the user is advised to clone the repository and work off of any of the proposed examples:

git clone
cd melissa/examples

Advanced installation

On a supercomputer, a proper management of the dependencies and environment can quickly become a burden.

Again, the melissa folder can be created by cloning it from its INRIA GitLab repository:

git clone
cd melissa

Regarding the API, the user must make sure that it is compiled with the same dependencies as those of the instrumented solver:

  1. load all modules required by the solver,

  2. build/install the Melissa API:

# from melissa/
mkdir build install && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ..
make install
3. source to update LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH and PYTHONPATH:

# from melissa/build/
cd ..
4. compile the instrumented solver.

On the other hand, the Python dependencies may be constrained by the available packages. On Jean-Zay for instance, torch and tensorflow versions optimized for GPU execution are provided in their own conda environments and with Python versions different from the default one. From a clean environment, the deep learning framework module must be loaded before pip installing Melissa:

# from melissa/
module purge                                   # purge all pre-loaded modules
module load pytorch-gpu/py3/1.13.0             # switch to torch-gpu Python environment (this can change the Python version)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt               # add missing main requirements to torch-gpu Python environment
pip3 install -r requirements_deep_learning.txt # add missing deep learning Python packages to torch-gpu Python environment 
pip3 install -e .                              # install Melissa launcher and server in the torch-gpu Python environment

Still on Jean-Zay supercomputer, pytorch-gpu/py3/1.13.0 comes with Python 3.10.8 which is different from the frontend node version. All pip install commands will hence add packages to ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages and the executables (namely melissa-launcher, melissa-server and melissa-monitor) to ~/.local/bin/. Sourcing has for effect to add ~/.local/ and ~/.local/bin to the PYTHONPATH.

In addition, for a Melissa command to successfully be executed (from the frontend node or embedded in an script), the Python environment will need to be the same as the one in which the pip install commands were executed. For our example on Jean-Zay, this means that any call to melissa-launcher or melissa-server must be preceded by module load pytorch-gpu/py3/1.13.0:

# from melissa/
module load pytorch-gpu/py3/1.13.0
melissa-launcher -h

If the installation is successful, the user should be prompted with the available command line arguments.

Multiple Melissa installations

As explained at the beginning of this tutorial, if the installation is not performed in a virtual environment, the missing packages as well as the Melissa sources and executables will end up in ~/.local/. In order to have multiple Melissa versions coexist for instance, the executables must be placed at a specific location made accessible at runtime. To do so, users should do the following.

Again, let us start by adding the melissa folder from its INRIA GitLab repository:

git clone
cd melissa

For any Python version (here denoted X.X), the pip install command is then run with the --target option so that the executables (melissa-launcher, melissa-server and melissa-monitor) are placed in a specific installation folder:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt -r requirements_deep_learning.txt -r requirements_dev.txt # install all missing requirements in ~/.local/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages
pip3 install --target=<install_folder> -e .                                                # install Melissa py-modules and place executables in <install_folder>/bin

Finally, the API can be built with the following commands:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../<install_folder> ..
make install

Thus, the script created by CMake will make sure melissa/<install_folder>/bin is added to PATH as it is sourced.


In this scenario, the order between pip and cmake is paramount because pip constraints prevent it from installing executables in an already existing (and populated) folder.

The script

Due to the structure of Melissa, environment variables must be set consistently with the way the software is built. To ensure this, Melissa relies on an automatic environment setup script that is created at build by CMake from

#! /bin/sh

export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/.local/:${PYTHONPATH:-} is copied both in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin and in melissa.

This piece of code serves two main purposes. The first one is to ensure that the API sources and executables are added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH which is required in order to compile the Melissa instrumented solver. The second objective is to update PATH and PYTHONPATH with the Melissa Python executables and required packages if they were installed in ~/.local.

Melissa ensures that this file is sourced every time a new server or client job is executed.


By default, the client and server job scripts (i.e. and will try to source by running:

. /path/to/melissa/
which corresponds to the last created script. In case multiple versions coexist, the targeted version and its sourcing script can be selected explicitly by adding the following lines to the config file:
"client_config": {
    "melissa_client_env": "/path/to/melissa/<installation_folder>",
"server_config": {
    "melissa_server_env": "/path/to/melissa/<installation_folder>",

Dependency propagation during execution

As explained in the Building a new use-case tutorial, specific dependencies and environment variables must be set using the preprocessing_commands lists in the user configuration file. These bash commands are executed before the data generator executable, on each individual job node. Therefore, they need to prepare the node for the data generator and the melissa-server. For example, loading modules to prepare for a data generator would set client/server_config to look as follows:

    "client_config": {
        "executable_command": "/path/to/melissa/examples/heat-pde/executables/build/heatc",
                    "module -v load zeromq/4.2.5",
                    "module -v load openmpi/4.0.2-cuda"]
    "server_config": {
                    "module load -v pytorch-gpu/py3/1.10.0"]

See examples/heat-pde and examples/lorenz for more configuration examples.


If the module system is not available or if it does not contain all the required dependencies, this procedure can easily be supplemented (or substituted) with other package managers (e.g. Spack or conda).